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Quotes are delayed, as of October 14, 2024, 05:54:10 PM CDT or prior.
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Quotes are delayed, as of October 14, 2024, 05:54:10 PM CDT or prior.
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Cotton Starts the Week with Monday Losses -
Cotton futures closed out the Monday trade with contracts down 101 to 114 points. The outside markets were pressure factors, with the crude oil Cattle Close Mixed on Monday -Live cattle futures ended the Monday session with October down 35 cents and other nearby contracts up 35 to 50 cents. There were no deliveries Hogs Post Losses on Monday -Lean hog settled mostly lower on Monday, with contracts down $1 to $1.85. October was up a tick on expiration day. The national average base hog Soybeans Fall on Monday from Pressure via Bean Oil -Soybeans posted 9 to 10 cent losses across most contracts on Monday. CmdtyView’s national front month Cash Bean price is down 8 1/2 cents at $9.35 Corn Collapses Out of the Weekend -Corn futures closed the Monday session with contracts falling 7 to 9 cents across most contracts on Monday. Sharp pressure from the outside factors Wheat Fall Double Digits on Monday -The wheat complex posted double digit losses across the three exchanges on Monday. Chicago SRW futures were down 13 to 15 cents on the day. KC HRW Full commentary... |